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US State Department Targets Rage Against the War Machine Coalition

By John McCarthy6/19/2024
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The world is changing as the global Anti-imperialist alliance gains strength and in a show of weakness the panicked Empire has unleashed a desperate wave of slander and censorship in an attempt to keep the American People in the dark.

In the span of a few days, Scott Ritter, a friend and ally of the Center for Political Innovation, had his passport seized by the US State Department, Brianna Joy Gray was fired from The Hill, The Washington Post printed an article falsely accusing Grayzone of being paid foreign agents, and the Ukraine based, US Government linked Data Journalism Agency issued a hitlist targeting 391 US Citizens and 76 American organizations.

The Data Journalism Agency hitlist is titled, “Roller Coaster From Trumpists to Communists. The forces in the U.S. impeding aid to Ukraine and how they do it”, and as the title suggests, targets the Rage Against the War Machine coalition.

The Center for Political Innovation and our founder Caleb Maupin are proud to be prominently included on this hitlist:

“One of the sponsors of the “anti-war” actions of Rage Against The War Machine is the socialist Center for Political Innovation (CPI). It is headed by American journalist Caleb Maupin (included in the list of pro-Russian propagandists by the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation).”

The Imperialists are frightened that Americans across the political spectrum are breaking free from their lies. They are scared that the American People will realize that our interests are the same as the interests of the nations breaking free from Imperialism. They are afraid that we will find out about the unlimited Growth and Prosperity that BRICS is offering the world. And that’s why they are terrified of the Center for Political Innovation.