The next American revolution will be based in a United Front: people who may not like each other, may not even agree with each other, joining despite everything in struggle to enact an economic program in their common interest. For today’s America, CPI has created its four-point program to address this need.
Political leaders and a mass movement will coalesce behind the united front program, creating their own institutions or “dual powers” to replace the functions of government. During a time of crisis, they swoop in to establish a people’s government, and end the dictatorship of the big banks and corporations to create a peaceful and prosperous society.
Though it may seem impossible, many modern-day revolutions have happened. What is truly impossible is pressuring our existing government into reform. Though the majority of the US population favors free healthcare, prices only climb. Though mass protests against Zionism fill the streets, full support is given to israel with American tax dollars. Without fundamental reforms, the US will continue to be a country of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich. Revolution is not only possible, but inevitable as the collapse of the Dollar System and US monopoly power reins in a new era. The American people will be forced to choose either to endure tightening dictatorship and poverty, or to rise up and create a new system.
The existing Left has failed to create revolution because of their faults. Social-Democrats like Bernie Sanders preach to the masses then vote for wars. The Defeatist Left and Democrat-aligned Left make weak concessions. Adventurist Left anarchists scare normal people away with street-fighting insanity. The Left has become associated with psychotic “woke” purity tests. It’s time to create a truly populist movement based on essential economic demands understood by the average person, which is optimistic and welcoming.
Though CPI understands that a people’s government cannot be established without resistance, it advocates for a peaceful transition to power. It does not advocate for violence, but rather understands that the forces of imperialist reaction are the real source of violence and chaos both in America, and around the world.