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Signatures and Supportive Videos Needed for UN Resolution Petition!

By Center for Political Innovation6/26/2024
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Sign here: Demand UN to Criminalize Sanctions Affecting Healthcare and Humanitarian Infrastructure

If you haven’t already, please click on this link & add your support for our new CPI member Philip High’s petition to the UN on human healthcare rights around the world.

Phil, a retired former EMT & prominent member of the Global Health Ministry of his local Christian church, based in New York City, was inspired to craft & publish this petition after attending CPI’s recent Vermont workshop retreat. The classes taught there further opened his eyes to the urgent need to help less privileged countries, particularly Communist socialist ones such as the DPRK in North Korea & Cuba, to have access to basic life necessities such as healthcare, food, shelter, & education, all of which have been severely curtailed by sanctions & blockades imposed against them by the United States & other allied capitalist nations.

“My petition would make it a violation of international humanitarian law”, Phil explained. “Every human being on earth deserves a decent standard of living, healthcare & a social services infrastructure, but these kinds of economic sanctions have made that an impossibility for so many people, including children & the elderly, because their countries are being blocked from importing a lot of necessary resources & materials.”

“We need many more signatures & much more media exposure in order to make a real impact on September 10th when we deliver this petition to the UN General Assembly. CPI will then be holding a rally for it on September 24th in front of UN headquarters here in New York City, so please come on out & join us so that we can bring more attention to it.”