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Maduro’s Enemies are America’s Enemies

By John McCarthy7/30/2024
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Stop the Regime Change Mafia

Popular “wisdom” says Donald Trump and Nicolas Maduro are opposites. One is a right wing Republican leader from the United States and the other a left wing Socialist leader from the Global South. But they have two very important things in common. They each, in their own way, oppose the anti growth depopulation policies of the World Economic Forum, and they both narrowly escaped assassination attempts. And there may well be a connection between these two things.

This is why President Nicolas Maduro, unlike the Soros backed Rent-a-Left in the U.S., denounced the attempt on former President Trump and wished him a speedy recovery and a long life.

⚡️⭕️President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro commenting on Trump’s assassination attempt:

As I was leaving Guanare, we received news that in the United States of America there was an attack against former president and presidential candidate Donald Trump. I want, on behalf of all of Venezuela and our people, to reject, repudiate the attack against former President Donald Trump. I wish him a speedy recovery and may God bless the people of the United States and give them peace and tranquility.

We have been adversaries. But I wish President Trump health and long life and I repudiate this attack. I was also the victim of an attack and of 100 attempts to kill me. But God always extended his hand and here we are, healthy, alive and victorious!

Furthermore, as the independent truth-tellers at the Grayzone have recently written, Presidents Trump and Maduro were scheduled to meet, but that meeting was prevented and sabotaged by the very same John Bolton and Mike Pompeo who sabotaged Trump’s anti-Nuclear diplomacy with North Korea.

President Maduro is a very wise man. He clearly recognizes that the forces trying to kill him and destroy his country are the very same forces trying to kill our leaders and destroy our country.

The World Economic Forum crowd doesn’t care if a government is Left Wing Socialist or Right Wing Capitalist. They want to destroy any strong independent government that stands in the way of their Global Banker’s Dictatorship. Nicolas Maduro and the Venezuelan people understand this. Will our leaders and our people be as wise? Or will we fall for the WEF’s Divide and Conquer and help them to destroy the Global South and to destroy us?