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See You at the DNC!

By Center for Political Innovation8/19/2024
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The Center for Political Innovation is attending the 2024 Democratic National Convention with a mission: to distribute 1,000 copies of our pamphlet “Do You Believe in Growth?” and 1,000 copies of Caleb Maupin’s book “Kamala Harris & the Future of America,” for a total of 2000 books! 250 have already been distributed to attendees of a recent Jimmy Dore event, and CPI’s volunteers will be working hard over the coming week to get the rest in the hands of excited readers. You can support the initiative by donating to Caleb Maupin’s GoFundMe page for the project here.

With an upcoming presidential election between two unpopular candidates, both of whom have done little to improve conditions in the country, we are distributing our growth pamphlet because Americans now more than ever need to hear that a brighter future is possible. Additionally, we are distributing Maupin’s carefully researched book about Kamala Harris because we believe attendees of the Democratic National Convention should have a chance to understand the true origins and personality of the Democratic candidate.

The fact that four years after being published, Maupin’s book was suddenly removed from Amazon on fraudulent copyright grounds on the very day Harris was chosen as the Democratic candidate, shows that powerful people do not want these truths to be known. As there were no real legal grounds to suppress the book, Maupin was able to republish with a new cover a week later, and has called CPI supporters and allies to help support its distribution at the Democratic National Convention.

The Center for Political Innovation does not endorse any political candidate, and has no interest in influencing the outcome of the election. Rather, we believe that presidential elections are a valuable opportunity to reach Americans who pay little attention to politics most of the time, and Americans who are dissatisfied with the outcomes of our political system and are looking for a better way. For those who will be attending this week’s convention, let us know, and we will see you at the DNC!