A New Day for America
A New Hope For A Peaceful World



The next four years are full of amazing possibilities. We, the American people, were presented with a choice back in November. We had the opportunity to vote for someone who stood for the status quo—the miserable economy, the semi-permanent state of war, all the hopelessness, and the cynicism that have become part of our daily lives since the pandemic—or someone who promised to Make America Great Again by creating a prosperous economy and making peace around the world. We obviously made the right choice.

But the problems we face are much bigger than just who sits in the White House. The problem is that our country, and much of the world, isn’t really ruled by the people. It’s ruled by big bankers and corporate monopolists. The World Economic Forum, the Council on Foreign Relations, the World Trade Organization, and The Club of Rome all represent a class of superrich people who have determined that the only way they can stay in power is by destroying us. That may sound extreme, but it is the truth. Human beings, with our brilliance and creativity, have performed miracles—reinventing our relationship with nature, scaling new heights, and producing more abundance than ever before. The only way globalist ultra-rich can stay in power is by declaring “Game Over” so they can maintain their winning position forever. We won’t allow that to happen, but it’s going to be a big struggle.

We gain nothing from the Ukraine war

Big chunks of the world have broken out of their domination.

Back in the 1990s, Russia was falling apart economically, being looted by Wall Street and London after the fall of the Soviet Union. Back then, Bill Clinton loved the Russian government and actively meddled in their elections to make sure Boris Yeltsin won in 1996 so the looting could continue. The mainstream media only started telling us to hate Russia when they got new, strong leadership that restructured their economy and used oil and gas to restore the industrial base and eliminate poverty. When Russia was no longer a captive market, it became a competitor, and so sanctions, color revolution protests, and all kinds of schemes were devised to push them back down. The US backed Chechen separatists, color revolutions, and all kinds of different manuevers.

The USA toppled the elected President of Ukraine in 2014 and installed a fanatically antiRussian government in Kiev that started bombing the Donbas region, where the people identify with Russia and take pride in defeating the Nazis in the Second World War. For eight years, Russia worked to try and bring Ukraine back together, facilitating the Minsk Accords and Minsk Agreement. Even with a peace deal in writing, the Ukrainian government kept killing until, finally, Russia moved in to protect the people of Donbas. This war was forced on Russia by years of killing, threats, and provocations.

At this point, hundreds of billions of our taxpayer dollars have been dumped into Ukraine. This war is being needlessly prolonged. The working families of this country, who are struggling, have nothing to gain in Ukraine. This conflict doesn’t offer us anything. It’s about the big bankers—the same people who have devastated our communities at home—trying to push Russia off the market and maintain their power.

Russia is just one of many countries that has broken out of Wall Street and London’s domination in order to build and construct. There’s a whole new economy emerging in the world today. Many countries are rising up from poverty, building their own economies, electrifying, and winning a better life for their people. The BRICS, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the Bolivarian Alternative for Latin America all represent the new world and the hope for humanity. The plan of war hawks and neocons, working for the big bankers and monopolies, is to declare all-out, long-term war on it in the hopes they can stay at the top. It’s a dumb idea, and most Americans, including Donald Trump, can see that.

America Must Join the New Economy

When Donald Trump visited North Korea in 2018, it was because many of his closest allies, such as Jim Rogers, understood that there’s a huge amount of money to be made in the new economy emerging in the East. The Wall Street monopolies want to use the government to declare all-out war against this new world and lock us down into a low-wage police state to do it. They want the world to stay poor so they can stay at the top.

Trump is smarter than that. He understands that the wheels of history do not operate in reverse. This new economy, springing up not just in Asia but in Africa and South America, is coming with or without us. Would it not be better for America to get in on the action?

When North Korea feels safe and protected enough by its allies in Russia and China to give up its nuclear weapons, the United Nations sanctions will be lifted and it’s going to be a bonanza. North Korea’s mountains are full of minerals. The country already manufactures its own cell phones in-house. Most people in North Korea can speak more than one language. There’s even a railway that travels through the Korean Peninsula and connects both the North and the South to China and Russia Billions of dollars can be made, millions of jobs created, and technological progress and poverty alleviation can move full speed ahead.

Trump wants America to get in on the action. He wants some of the wealth from the new global economy to benefit American neighborhoods and communities. Unfortunately his work trying to improve relations with North Korea was sabotaged by John Bolton and Mike Pompeo, two regime-change neocons who he says will have no role in his new administration. Meanwhile, one of his biggest supporters in trying to make peace on the Korean Peninsula was Tulsi Gabbard, whom he has picked as his new intelligence director.

Trump has already said he wants to continue his work for peace on the Korean Peninsula. It did not matter that his own supporters in the Wall Street Journal criticized him for bragging about it on the campaign trail. Trump can see which way the wind is blowing and what direction the world is moving in.

We say, now is the time to go full speed ahead and pivot the United States away from Wall Street, the British Empire, and the French monopolies. Instead of desperately clinging to NATO, so that bankers can dominate the world, we should focus on bringing the world together. It is time to build the Peace Bridge connecting Alaska to Russia over the Bering Sea. Discussion of this bridge has been taking place since the days of Abraham Lincoln, but it’s time to just do it.

Every year in Russia’s Far East, the government convenes the Vladivostok Economic Forum and displays for the world what is happening there in terms of electrification, railways, manufacturing, mining, and farming. The big sections of the planet our geography textbooks pretty much ignored are now lighting up and booming. Let’s forget the old colonial powers we broke free from in the American Revolution and pivot America toward the new world.

Our Government Has Failed Us

If there was a parent who was not feeding their child or providing them with proper clothing and the things they need, but instead wasted their money on drugs, alcohol, and partying with their friends, they would be arrested and charged with “criminal neglect.” They failed to fulfill their obligations as a parent, focusing on other things that should not be their primary concern.

At this time, there is absolutely no question that the government of the United States is guilty of criminal neglect. The preamble of the Constitution declares that the government is supposed to be working for the general welfare and domestic tranquility of this country. Our leaders have not done that. They have allowed neighborhoods to rot, they’ve allowed an opioid epidemic to explode, they’ve allowed our bridges and highways to fall into disrepair, our power grids to collapse, and our children to drink lead in their water. While our country has been falling to pieces, our leaders have been focused elsewhere. They have spent our tax money and given their focus to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and all kinds of wars around the world for which there is nothing for us to gain.

China has one overseas military base, in the African country of Djibouti. Russia has eight overseas military bases. The United States currently has at least 800 bases across the planet. We are directing wars, frozen conflicts, and unrest across the planet.

Donald Trump represents many different layers of Americans who have had enough of this. They want living standards to increase, wages to go up, and the dollar to keep its value. They are more concerned about seeing the economy grow than playing some long-term geopolitical chess game to keep the Rockefellers, Duponts, and Rothschilds at the top of the world economy.

But how do we create economic growth? Right now, we have a government that gets in most Americans' way and, in fact, moves in to crush small business owners, contain economic expansion, impose restrictions on creativity, and deflate our dreams. Our government does this to rig the game. The rules are written to keep Jeff Bezos and Goldman Sachs at the top.

It makes sense that many working people, especially those who struggle in the gig economy, hustling every day to bring home enough to pay their bills, would want to just eliminate the government, get the government out of the way.

Imagine a Government of Action

However, it’s going to be a difficult process of learning that this won’t work. We need to envision a government that doesn’t just bend over backward for ultra-monopolies but rather a government that breaks the power of big oil monopolies, the bankers, and tech giants. Imagine a government that stood up to the monopolies that dominate our economy and took dramatic action to get the economy moving again.

There’s a reason the new economy, centered around Russia and China, is rising while the United States and Western Europe get worse. The new economy emerging in the world today, centered around the BRICS, came into being as a result of anti-colonial revolutions. Throughout the 20th century and continuing into the 21st century, various countries throughout Asia, Africa, and Latin America decided they did not want to be run by Wall Street and London bankers any longer. They have taken control of their economies and resources and started BUILDING.

China used to be one of the poorest countries in the world. Now it has the world’s largest telecommunications manufacturer, makes half the world’s steel, and has lifted 800 million people out of poverty. With five-year economic plans and the centralization of banking and major industries, China has enabled a whole new layer of business owners to flourish, with many becoming millionaires and billionaires.

While Guatemala and Honduras are a mess of drug gangs, poverty, and illiteracy, the Sandinistas of Nicaragua have electrified their entire country and enabled millions of people to flourish with their micro-entrepreneurship program.

Whether it’s Russia, China, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Iran, Cuba, Vietnam, Belarus, Zimbabwe, or Syria, the one thing all the countries targeted by mainstream media propaganda and attempts at George Soros color revolutions have in common is a government of action. They have a state that came out of popular struggles against the power of Wall Street and London, mobilizing to build up the living standards of the people and ensure growth. This growth is carried out by implementing economic planning over the key sectors, building gigantic infrastructure projects, and using the centralization of credit to stimulate expansion. To put it simply, popular power has been asserted over the economy.

This isn’t 20th-century communism. The Soviet Union is gone and never returning. Most of these governments do not espouse Marxist-Leninist ideology, and all of them are actively enabling a layer of business owners to prosper and thrive as part of their long-term vision of growth. Whether it’s Baathism or Shia Islam in the Middle East, Eurasianism in Russia, Pan-Africanism, Bolivarianism, or Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, all of these governments are stimulating creativity and enabling expansion with a government of action.

We Need a Movement

If Trump does as he has indicated he plans to do and stands up for our freedoms against the FBI and deep state, refuses to play ball with Wall Street’s war schemes, and works to make the US economy strong again, he’s going to realize there’s one ally he desperately needs: the American people.

The only way Roosevelt was able to create social security and unemployment insurance, enact the Glass-Steagall banking reforms, and come to the aid of working families during the Great Depression was because there were thousands and thousands of Americans in labor unions, unemployment associations, and antifascist groups who worked overtime to support him. The business elite wanted Roosevelt out and plotted a coup against him in 1933, but the so-called “Business Plot” failed. Roosevelt embraced mass popular movements.

Lincoln is a similar story. Lincoln represented the overwhelming majority of the American people, the small farmers, the industrialists, the labor unions, and the Black community in opposing the grip that the slaveholders had on the government. The slave system was backed by the Wall Street insurance cartels and the British empire that wanted the cheap cotton for its textile mills. When Lincoln took office to restrict their power, he soon learned he had to build a mass movement to defeat them. Harriet Tubman became the first woman to lead soldiers into battle. Labor unions and anti-slavery organizations mobilized popular support.

Innovationism: A New Way of Understanding The World

We at the Center for Political Innovation represent a new movement. Many of us used to be socialists and communists, but we saw pretty quickly how anti-human the woke left really is. We are not part of the cynical, cancel culture hate movement that is funded by the richest of the rich and wants to destroy our country. We aren’t “right-wing” either because we do not believe in letting the irrational market run wild.

We believe in you. We celebrate the creativity and passion found deep within the human spirit. We believe technology and the rising new economy around the world, which rejects Globalism-Imperialism, are creating new opportunities. Now is not the time to wallow in pessimism and isolation. Now is the time to come together and maximize the spiritual and creative power that defines us as human beings.

We are Innovationists. We are against the dying order of Globalism/Imperialism and the nightmare it is creating for humanity. We reject the low-wage police state and the march toward a new world war. Instead, we raise the slogan:


We need a society that views the people, not as an annoying horde to manage, but rather as a vital asset for ensuring prosperity. Instead of investing in bombs and guns, or prisons, or psychotropic drugs, or addictive painkillers, we need a society that invests in the potential of each individual to make great discoveries and raise humanity toward a higher plane.

It is the god-like creativity of humanity that has taken us from hunter-gatherers in the woods to space travel, iPhones, and artificial intelligence. We need a society that nurtures and cultivates that creative power and a state that beats back the criminal schemes of the big monopolies and the irrational economic system that gets in the way.

We Americans are known around the world for our optimism, our big dreams, our hard-working dedication, and our ability to keep pushing against all odds.

Now is a time for awakening that beautiful side of the American spirit and truly making America great by reinventing it as part of the new world.

If this vision inspires you, you belong in the Center for Political Innovation. The next four years will present plenty of opportunities to work for peace, freedom, and justice for working families. We must rescue our country from the dying order of Globalism/Imperialism.

We need your help! Will you join us?